Well, looks like I will be needing advice from those who have kids close in age! We went in yesterday to have an ultrasound. After the small scare we had with the little man (kidney problem) doc thought we should have an early look at this one. He was also a bit worried because of back to back pregnancies and c-sections. Right now he said all looks good. We'll also get another ultrasound in 8 weeks. Baby is due Novemer 3rd. Again, we won't find out the sex of the baby but I would guess another boy.... of course!
I am getting a little worried about this blogging- Its like a diary that is an open book for everyone to read. I was hoping to keep things low key, at least for a little while anyhow. Guess thats out the window??
Well, kids close in age - some how we've managed. At one point in time we had three in diapers but so thankful those days are over. Now we just have big appitiets all at once! From oldest to youngest is only 3 years. Ish! Wink!
Congradulations! On the lil tad-filly !) Rather than lineman it should be ........ well never mind! Don't want any enemies here!!! Congradulations goes to both of you - Your great parents and those genes look good together! You just might be needing some jean skirts. Wink!
Congratulations Carin!!!! I'm thinking that the ladies may not want to come to you house to often as it seems that you have something in your water!!! As I look closely at that ultrasound I see a little girl in the picture....don't you??!!
Carin, Carin, after pondering over this this post for hours I am wondering if it is a warning about the water out there or just April Fools??
April fools!!! Could it be!!!
I have to wonder right along with Gena! You had me for a while.... so we'll wait and see! Jill
If this is an April Fools joke, they sometimes backfire! Look in Justin's older posts and you'll see what he did last year. Needless to say a going away party was nearly planned by those who didn't see the "April Fools". We had people giving us their condolences for weeks afterwards!
You could also jinx yourself if you're not! :)Congratulations, if they're in order! :p Myrna
My goodness Russ! Couldn't let Brent get one up on you could ya?!:)
come on spill the beans is it or is it not!!! Please!
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