I was discussing with the boys last night about what grades they would be in and when. I was curious myself as to what grade one would be in when the next started Kindergarten.
This is where the scary math comes into play...... oh, and believe me this is scary. In fact it is so scary I have nightmares about my youngest graduating high school with me being pushed in a wheelchair by my arthritic husband. But by then our oldest boy will be a paramedic and can asist his ailing parents with oxygen as we sit in the front row handicaped seats at graduation.
Okay, got a little sidetracked in my nightmares.... here is the breakdown....
When Colter enters Kindergarten, Bridger will be in 3rd grade. When Bode enters Kindergarten, Colt will be in 4th grade and Bridge will be in 7th. Bridger will graduate in 2018 and Bode will still be in elementary school. All told we have children in elementary school for 16 years. Yes, 16 years. It's a good thing we love this school!
It gets scarier. Bridger graduates high school in 2018. Colt graduates in 2021. Bode graduates in 2025. When the youngest graduates my dear lineman will be f- oh, did you think I was going to give you his age? I hate to see a grown man cry.
Please excuse me, I must go dry my keyboard now.
February 2025 Memories
1 week ago
Ok little missy I never realized how much you like math! This is scarey math to boot. And just think, in only 9 more years Bridger will get his driver's license. Now for Colter that will be another story. Why don't we make it another 29 years! Mom
Well our night mares aren't as scarry, be have been having our share! & we don't nessassaryly like this school system past elementary. Talk about crazy after 5th grade, public school starts costing more money outside of paying our taxes!! Registration$$$ Then High school more amounts of $$$ Groan! We are so not wanting to be in this state! Been set in our mind we will be out of here before then!!! It is comming right along 2010! Yep - we gotta get outta UT before or by then!!!!! But for you glad you'll have some one caring for ya's!! WINK!! EASY on yourself it might not be that bad!!
Oh wait, it could be worse. My oldest will be 13 in 41 days. He will be graduating 8th grade in approx. 416 days-then going on to, yes, high school! And sniff, sniff, we got big brother's suit altered and cleaned for 7 year old's 1st Communion in 2 weeks. I am old already! Pass the tissues~Tracy
Oh good grief! I'm older than you are and I have one in the oven! Will I make it to graduation? :) There's still time for one more!;)
Carin, I agree with Heather!!! There is plenty of time for one more. I'm sitting here visualizing a little pink with all those blue jeans. :-) My oldest is 30, which makes me feel anything but young, but along with our kids getting older comes grand kids and that is pretty nice. Have a good day. Linda
You crack me up. Here's the deal Carin. Your kids will get older, you and hubby will get older, they will grow up and move away, and you will be wondering how the heck the years passed by so quickly!! Now isn't that just a depressing thought? LOL Okay, if it makes you feel any better, life is GOOD at all stages, when they are babies, toddlers, kids, teens, and grown ups! And I know you will relish each and every moment with your family, and have thousands upon thousands of pictures to capture most of those moments! :)
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