This one is a self portrait during one of our many major blizzards this winter!
To see more Winter Wonderland pictures head over to iheartfaces

This one is a self portrait during one of our many major blizzards this winter!
To see more Winter Wonderland pictures head over to iheartfaces
We did it! Another successful year of being in the picture every week!
I took this one just this evening, right around sunset. We are in the midst of a huge blizzard. I couldn’t resist the chance to put some creative lighting to use with the amazing amount of snowfall.
I've enjoyed starting and hosting this challenge for the past 2 years, however, this will be the last time I host. I had someone volunteer to do that, I need to contact them and put that info up here for you all if you are interested.
Great job everyone! Keep getting in that picture!
This is me and my youngest ready to hit the ice. On Friday’s the women’s hockey league and the Mites (8 and under) share ice time. It’s so fun to be out there skating and I can look to the other end of the ice and see him making his way through the faster zooming kids. I absolutely love it! If you’re not into hockey I highly recommend it! It is such a family friendly sport.
Wow, we are just about to the end of the year! Great job everyone for getting in the picture each week! Don’t forget I won’t be continuing the Shoot Me on my blog in 2011. However, keep getting in that picture every week, you can do it!!
This past weekend we went to Miles City for hockey. In between games we went to Murdochs, it’s a farm and ranch store. They had reindeer in there which was pretty cool. My mom made the 2 hour drive to meet up with our family for a few hours and to catch one of the games. We won both games, we had a chance to do some shopping, and had a nice Mexican meal before we made the 2 1/2 hour drive home. All in all a great weekend.
My little man turned 3 last week. He handed out cookies after hockey practice and then we had a quick celebration at home.
I can’t imagine my life without him. He is pure joy. I love you buddy!
This was almost our Christmas picture. I really, really love this picture but alas, it was not meant to be.
Also, I will not continue with Shoot Me into 2011. That said..... PLEASE, please, please make sure you are finding yourself in the picture more and more often. It is so important to have that moment, that memory. Most of us are way too hard on ourselves and maybe don't like to look at pictures of ourselves. But, the pictures are really a gift to those that love us. Your kids don't care if you have a few extra pounds, a bad hair day, you name it. Just don't forget... hand that camera off and continue to get in the picture!!!!
This is one of our Christmas card outtakes. You’ll have to wait for awhile till I share the one we go with.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Leaves, leaves and more leaves! We decided to rake them up finally, and just in time. Snow is on the ground now. I’d hate to be the one to ruin a good snowman by leaving leaves on the ground. I think we had about 5 truck loads we took to our town burn pile. The boys had fun jumping in the leaves as usual.