It was just what the doctor ordered. Actually, I never did official speak with a doctor. But had I spoken with a doctor about what was ailing me, I'm sure a doctor would have definitely ordered this.
How about this: My mom ordered it. Yup she did. And after she ordered it I had to think about it for a bit. And then, low and behold..... I ordered it for myself.
WHAT did I order? The answer: TIME. Time to myself, time without any children. I absolutely adore my children (obviously) but I never have anytime without them. Some of you may know the situation and understand. And for everyone else, trust me on this one: I needed TIME to myself. I very rarely take the time but today I took it. I took it and ran.
So I set up a time to go golfing with my friend, Jill. This gave me a chance to get out and it gave Jill a break from harvest. (uh, um... uh, I hope I didn't just get you in trouble. Come on, harvest can wait. So what if it is suppose to snow in two days).
Another friend watched my two younger boys for me. I cannot tell you how nice this was. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lisa for watching two crazy boys. Thank you. Oh, did I say thank you? Well then, thank you!

Here is me in all my perfect golfing form. If you look real close you can see I'm about to hook that ball
way out to the right and nearly hit an antelope on the head. The antelope ran, that's the only reason he didn't get hit.

Here is Jill, showing us how you do it! She is a blast to play with and plays really great. There are no pictures of me on the greens for this reason: I putt past the hole. Go back the other way, past the hole. Then back the other way, past the hole. And so on. So let's just look at Jill and her 30 foot putts. It's just not fair.

The two of us getting ready to try to hit some antelope. Um, I mean, the two of us getting ready to try to get it on the green.

I cannot tell you just what today meant to me. I feel so refreshed. I feel like I have more energy. I feel like if I try hard enough I just might actually hit an antelope. I feel like a better mom. I feel like I could putt 20 feet, scratch that, I feel like I could putt 20 inches. I feel like it was an absolute great day.
I feel like I need to do it again!