Monday, December 22, 2008

When it's cold outside....

You make your own fun indoors!

Gramma set up a pillow jump for the kids. It started with one pillow they had to jump over, then a pillow was added after each jump. Then it escalated from there! My oldest going for a jump over four pillows.
The middle boy couldn't quite clear four pillows but he sure had fun giving it a try. They would slide to a stop at the end. It's amazing that they didn't ram into the wall and put a hole in it.

The games continually were changing. Now we went vertical with the pillows, four high was no problem for the oldest boy.
And then we switched the game up again.......
It turned into "Superman".

So if the winter blues have your kids stuck inside during the cold, cold weather, set up some pillows and let them have at it. Set up an obstacle course, have a pillow fight (yes, that happened too), be creative and burn some of that energy.


Anonymous said...

At least they weren't jumping over Little Man! I love the action shots!

J K L M N O P said...

Wonderful pictures! and wonderful job with all that energy!! Sure helps to help them burn it - doesn't it!!

Wifey said...

Your boys have pretty good jumping form. Want me to coach them in long jump when they're old enough...haha.

Cute post.


Traci K said...

How fun! We might have to try that soon! Our boys love to make forts. They will hide out in them and play "Pirates" or anything else that they come up with. Such fun on cold days!

All American Family said...

awe...looks like y'all are having a gret time with G'ma. Awesome action shots. I wish I had that much energy! ;)

Hohni said...

We're snowed in our way AND on Christmas Vacation!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks fabulous!!! I love the pictures... especially the one with the overalled guy in it!

I just wanted to pop in to wish you a Very Merry Christmas!

Sharon said...

Your photos are great. What a great way to burn off energy on these bitter cold days.
Have a Happy holiday

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Your kiddos look like they're having a blast.

Anonymous said...

Wish we could have been there to share the fun. Gramma Mary does know how to have fun! And we do love her too. Have a Merry and fun Christmas we`ll be watching your blogs with great envy...cbinu