With our traveling and looking at our soon to be new town, and looking at property... we never did have an official birthday for our Little Man. Not that you really need one at ONE, but still, I wanted him to have the opportunity to smear cake everywhere if he wanted to. We did have a wonderful birthday lunch at Olive Garden and he had a cake (it was all Gramma and I could do to share it). They sang to him at Olive Garden and I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures. At least I had the neighbors over on Tuesday night for a late birthday celebration.
Aaaawwwwwwww, don't be shy Little Man.

oo, oo, oo.... cake. Want some?

Hmmm, this isn't half bad. I think I could get into this.

Open up wide and shove in some cake!

All in all he really didn't get too messy. I was disappointed but not that disappointed. It's still hard to believe he is a year old, my middle boy starts school next year and the oldest is engaged. -- Just making sure your listening.
oh...how do you not eat up those blue eyes!! I dare say they are the most beautiful shade of blue I've seen in a long time!
What a darling little face.
And what can you say about those eyes
Mom and Dad look out!!!!
Good luck on the move.
God bless
I loved his shy picture. I want cake!
We're listening! Don't worry the engaged will come all too soon! :) He's such a darling! Glad you finally got messy cake - but he's sure neat at that!
Oh, I love 1st. birthday pictures w/cake. They are the best! My most special birthday pictures!
Yeah, I'm listening. Hold on tight, the ride gets wilder & faster!
I sure hope the oldest has a good job!!
You are too much!
Or.......was I not listening earlier when I should have been????
(as usual)lol
LOL! So sweet! Isn't it amazing how fast the time goes by!
I remember my girls 1st birthday's like they were yesterday and I can't wait until Cooper's first!
He is such an adorable baby boy!! I just love him! Happy Birthday to your littlest man! They grow up way too fast, don't they? Mine keep doing that too, I'm trying to keep the baby a baby but he's trying to turn TWO on me in January.
Engaged already? That little player, Bridger!!! hahaha Hard to believe Bode is one already. He is so darn cute Carin. He has such a nice head of hair too.
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