A friend gave me this book and it was a very good read. Grab a cup of hot cocoa, put your feet up, sit by the fire and open up this book. It is a quick read with many great messages. I know I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks so much Emily. Now I will pass it on to Lineman, he has been looking forward to reading it for quite some time.
I might have to go and find this book at the library. Never heard of it.
I can't wait to read this book. It looks as though it will be a perfect read during this most special time of year. m-b
Personally I can't wait for the Hot Cocoa!! I don't know where she got the idea I was after the book??????????
PS-Tell M-B that I was thinking about coming to visit her, since she doesn't have a voice right now it sounds like the perfect time to visit!!
Oh boy, I bet I really really really stepped in it this time???
Lineman- LOL
I've been reading this too and am enjoying it. I left it at the cabin before I finished it and now I wish I had brought it home. I'll probably try to review it before Christmas on my blog.
Thanks for visiting today and you are also very talented I see! Thank you for your kind words.
Glenn Beck is a recovering alcoholic and applies lessons learned to life. He hosts a conservative talk radio show that I just love. You can find the station in your area at http://www.glennbeck.com/.
While the book is fiction, it is loosely based on his live as a youngster. He also does a stage show based on the book.
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