Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm just saying.....

If you remember yesterday's post I mentioned how the antelope were taking classes at school. Well, Lineman left a comment on that entry. Here it is, word for word:

Grooaann! Do you all see what I have to live with here??? How about, "how to look both ways before crossing the highway 101" or "beat the bullet 101" or "Vehicles really are faster than us 101"

This morning he called to tell me that he hit a deer. Coincidence? I think not.


Anonymous said...

She jinxed me!!! stupid plastic play trucks anymore!! Whatever happened to heavy metal bumpers???

I swear!


J K L M N O P said...

Ok ... his comment is the chuckle this time!! Sorry about the pickumuptruck ..... ! That does hurt!

Mimi/Susan said...

And did you act all sympathetic on the phone? :)

Carin said...

Oh no, no sympathy here! Then he sent me a pick on the phone of a HUGE buck. Actually, the deer was just fine and ran away.

Anonymous said...

Ouchie! At least he wasn't hurt!

If he had killed it he could have put a sign beside it saying, "Free Deer" like the one I saw.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so sorry about your truck. That really stinks.