I usually handle stress pretty good. Most of the time. However, this is the first time I have encountered this particular stress: Trying to move, during Christmas and the New Year. I have been told that moving is one of the most stressful things a person can do. Closely following that is a new baby or pregnancy. Hmmmm, No I am NOT pregnant, but I do have a little one.
Little Man is
still sick. I feel so bad for him. Okay, let's face it. I feel bad for me too. Sorry, I said it out loud, but what can I do. He is so clingy, though I do like clingy since in a house full of boys it's mostly just wrestling around here. He is soooo clingy though. I can't get a single thing done around here. I know, I know, that's not a bad thing. But I did choose to stay awake until midnight last night so I could get some cleaning done. Doesn't everyone clean late into the night?
I have even taken him into the bathroom with me. I feel bad to hear his pitiful cry so it's just easier to take him everywhere with me.
Not that his cry is really loud, it's just the opposite. He has completely lost his voice and so crying sounds something like a muffled duck quaking. Don't ask. I can barely hear him crying on the monitor during the night because he can't make very much noise. The wheezing seems to be getting worse though. When I went to the doctor on Sunday he said the croup usually clears in three days. Well, we are now on day FIVE.
With all of this stress would chocolate help?
Oh, and back to the moving stress. We do have help from his company for relocating but I have to make choices as to what I think is the best choice for our family and situation. I spoke with someone Monday who recommended I choose Choice #1. She couldn't answer all of my questions so she referred me to someone else. That person called today from DC and said she would strongly recommend Choice #2 in our situation. Problem is Lineman already filled out the paperwork for Choice #1. Ugh. You know I'm not good at making decisions. So I finally make a decision and it might be the wrong one. Apparently this is a lesson in faith for me.
With all of this stress would chocolate help?
We are also trying to put in an offer on a small piece of property in the town we will move to. It seems that the price is now higher than what it was originally. Hmmm, that's awfully convenient, isn't it? The realtor kept asking if we wanted one of the houses she showed us. Hmmm, incidentally it was the most expensive house they had. I told her it was not in our price range but she wanted to show it anyway. When I told her we were going to put an offer in on the land she was trying to pursuade me to put an offer in on that house. Hmmmm, maybe I should get her hearing aids for a Christmas present. There really isn't much for real estate there so I think she needs a good sale and a little acreage probably isn't what she would like to sell right now.
So, I keep thinking. With all of this stress, would chocolate help?

I don't have any chocolate in the house right now so I guess I will just have to adore these little cheeks for now.