What a fun ride the last year has been of being in the picture. Was it easy at first? No. Did it get easier? At times. Did I always look perfect? No. Did that even matter? No! ……. Was it worth it????
Our families will appreciate that we have made this effort. It’s time we stop always being behind the camera and time to be IN the pictures! Congrats to those that are just wrapping up their 52 week challenge. Congrats to those that are in the middle of their year or just starting out. Congrats to those that are realizing just how important it is we get in the picture!!
So we are all in various stages of this journey and I know many of you have said how you want to continue it. I also know that at times it can be hard to get the kids or hubby in the picture, or maybe the kids are grown, or maybe you don’t even have kids yet. “Shoot Me” is for everyone! I just want to see YOU in the picture! With your child, with your dog, with your parent, with your spouse, with your friend or by yourself. Just get in that picture! We will continue to see you every Thursday!
Use whichever button is relevant to you. Finish up your “52 Weeks” and then begin “Shoot Me”. I haven’t decided whether to just title posts" “Shoot Me” or “Shoot Me: 1 of 52” and number the year again. I’d love your input on this one!
Please take the poll over on the side below my buttons, I'd love your input! Thanks!