This weekend we were at our friends ranch and while we were there they hooked up their pony and cart. Well, it had been three months since she’d been driven, lets just say she had a bit of spunk!
I got a quick lesson then took hold of the reins….
And we headed up the road at a nice little walk.
I turned her around in a bumpy field, and ooohhhhh she did not like that bumping. She started to take off and run away with us. I handed the reins over to my friend and she too couldn’t get that mare to slow. We were heading right towards a big, tall, in your face, don’t want to go into it, fence…….
And that was the last that anyone ever saw of us.
End of story.
OK, maybe not. She headed back to the barn at a run, me holding on and thinking to myself, “hmm, I wonder what it would be like if I jumped out”. I could see my self like it was a movie or something. My friend was yelling at the horse, I was yelling at the kids to get out of the way, and we were both probably wondering how bad we would get hurt.
She finally stopped at the barn. We were no worse for the wear. However, that said perhaps next time we’ll take some Depends…. just in case.
Shoot Me! It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! And just jump in now with 1 of 52, you can do it!

Hey, I get to be first! I'll say it again... that looks like a blast.
that's.............quite an adventure! whew! great nobody got hurt. ^^
Wow looks so much fun!
My link is the number but I entered a wrong name wahhhh.. I dunno how to edit it, but anyhow that # 3 is Rose dear friends.. Goodnight!
Wow that was quite an adventure --- it always is nice to have some type of "reality check" --- funny :) Glad it had a good ending!
wow what an adventure! glad no one was hurt! maybe the mare was just giving you guys some thrills ;)
I was afraid for you just reading it. I am glad you made it back safely.
That is a wonderful ride. We have our own version in this part of the country but never had a photo taken with it yet. :)
Advance happy weekend!
I will be back to blog hop participants. :)
How fun! You always have the best adventures!!!
I'll be back next week. I did not have any of me recently..lol!
Who knew that little pony had such spunk? Glad your adventure didn't turn all Thelma and Louise.
Glad you made it make ok.
Sounds like quite an adventure! Sounds like she has a mind of her own...hahaha.
Wow...not sure I would be doing that again! What an adventure...I would probably be thinking the same thing...can I jump and not get hurt!!!
Looks like fun ; )
I love to follow your adventures!
Haha! That my dear is why you'll never see me on a horse or in a horse buggy! Fun post!
LOL about the depends. Cute pictures. What fun!
Yikes! Glad you all made it okay! Sounds like fun. How is Colter doing? Hope all is well.
wow - scary - and fun! ;) All's well that ends well...right?? ;)
Oh my what a ride that must have been.
I am glad that you made it back safe.
Had to laugh at the depends remark!!
Thanks for sharing all of your adventures.
Oh, that's funny! Great pictures too.
Thanks Carin for updating my messed up name lol..
DEAR ME! So glad that wasn't the last of you, because I haven't had the privilege of meeting you yet IRL...and I intend to. Glad you are all safe, and no one got hurt.
Carin, you have the absolute most fun times in the world. You're making me jealous here in my horse/hockey/snowmobile/atv deprived world. :) Great fun!
It would be fun to have the reins in had, click the tongue and give the "giddy-up" to a horse or team of horses. When I was growing up Dad fed with a team of horses and we always helped him. You would have had fun on your buggy ride. Linda
Oh too funny! What a crazy adventure! I would love to learn to drive, but part of me is absolutely terrified of a horse/pony running away with the cart and me having to bail out! It almost scares me more than being on a horse's back.
Haha, what a hoot--laughing here at the "depends" too. Yes, like Darcie, I'm definitely planning on meeting you someday too! :)
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