A pair of .22 rifles, I wonder what these are for. Who am I kidding! Being a family means doing things together again. Saturday Lineman took the boys and I out for a drive. We loaded up two rifles hoping to see a gopher or two. We never saw any gophers but we did find some very frightened cans!

We drove out to the middle of nowhere. That didn't take too long! And then we all took turns shooting at the cans. Those cans were just shaking in their boots. Or not.

The boys were using Lineman's old .22. I believe it was given to Lineman when he was just a boy. I need to get that whole story from him. We have seen the little Cricket in town but haven't purchased one. Anyone out there have the Cricket or something like it?

That is big country, no? Maybe that's why it's called Big Sky Country?

Of course each of the boys wanted to try it. The middle boy only got to shoot just the once. Before we realized it the evening was waning and we had to go.
Up for this weekend.... fishing!
I think we are getting used to this "family" bit, don't you?
Yup----I think another gun is in order!! Think I will talk to someone today about that!
Good times!
That's so great that your kiddos like that. My son would love another gun. Right now we have BB guns. That's all for now. lol
Great photos!
I just heard via e-mail that a friend of ours has the cricket for the grandkids and they love it. She loves it too. Uh, oh, maybe I shouldn't have passed that information on!
I have a few I could send ya, ya just have to be silent when ours come up missing :P Crickets are the best! We have 3 :)
I love seeing your family all together. I can tell you are soooo much happier!
Guns...I am beginning to understand the meaning...for Realz....=)
When Justin turned 1 (mind you) Tim and my dad bought him a Chipmunk .22 which is like the Cricket. They put a scope on it and everything. It's a fun little gun to shoot. I know the grand daughters and grand son are going to enjoy shooting it! This is really fun together time! I can tell you guys are really enjoying the Lineman being home more!!! Myrna
I must admit I'm not as redneck as I say I am...I've never shot a gun. They scare me and I've never had the urge to shoot even a can.
Mildred's bf taught her how to shoot one Sunday afternoon. He told her what to do and she nailed the can on the first shot. He was so surprised that he didn't believe she'd never done it before.
It looks like beautiful country and I think your family time is priceless.
Hubby and the boys used to go out jackrabbit hunting and also can shooting. It is something they always remember.
God bless.
That sounds like perfect family time for the boys and looks like great photo opts for you:) Beautiful scenery.
how fun! you mean you can actually go out to the middle of nowhere, and it's not anybodys? there is no place close like that here!
Looks like fun. Believe it or not, I actually like to go shooting with my husband. Haven't done it in a long time though.
Each of your posts makes me feel like I am on vaction, your pictures are amazing and you couldn't have more beautiful surroundings. My husband would sooo love to live in big sky country. Enjoy!
Oh, how fun! The first time I fired a gun was when I was 25 years old. You're supposed to miss the target, right? :)
Oh Carin...I am so happy for y'all! YEA for family time! Before long we'll be readying about snipe hunting. hee hee ;)
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