It has been a tough row to hoe. I think the last two years of my life have been some of the toughest times I have yet to know. Two weeks after Little Man was born Lineman had to go back to work on the road. It was just me and the three boys for weeks on end. For months on end. For years... yes years. The sleepless nights. A new baby. Three boys in all. The daily grind and struggles. Two friends taking their lives. Selling the house and keeping it show ready with 3 boys (ha, that was fun). Uprooting our lives...
With no family near and a limited support system I look back and wonder how I did it. Well, I really don't wonder that much as I know He got me through it. I can remember Sunday mornings when it took every ounce of strength to get the kids and I into town. Of course it was Him who got me there. Where else on earth could I have found any strength when I had no more to give?
My dad reminded me of this for which I was very thankful.... No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it. (1 Corinthians 10:13 (The Message))
Of course I know people have way worse things to endure than I could ever begin to imagine. How many people would would trade their troubles for mine in a New York minute!
Since we have moved things are changing. Things are looking up. I think I may be finally looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. (Lineman will still have to be on the road but it shouldn't be like it was these last several years.)
Since we have been back together as a family we have packed in so many family activities. Just regular ol' things that families do. And just this weekend the oldest boy and Lineman have become work out buddies. They have been jogging together, "pumping iron" and just being buddies. We've been shooting, off-roading, to the lake, playing baseball, jumping on the trampoline.....
Ahhhhh, family.
It's been a long time.
Too long.
But we are here.
God got us here. Of course He did.
And I am thankful.
Coldest Weather of the Winter
2 days ago
Beautiful! Thankfulness!
That was a wonderful post...and your dad's words ring true. God never gives us more than we can handle. So glad that things are looking up and that you finally feel complete(as a family) again in the everyday race we call life. God is good. Enjoy your sweet family time.
That is so wonderful. I felt the same way when we recently moved to Ohio. It was difficult leaving family and friends, but we have grown so much closer now because of it. Every day it feels more like home. Thanks for sharing.
I'm looking for that little facebook thumbs-up-sign to "Like" this post. As in really like. Nicely written. Tough row, yes, but God kept you hoeing. And now you can enjoy the fruits of that, along with your glass half full. :)
Sounds like you have a wise dad...
Love your post! Like Amy said, "thumbs up"!
Thanks Carin for posting such honest and sincere thoughts! It takes guts to be so open...
I was nervous about posting my first layout about me and how I've changed through the years. But I think people appreciate others being vulnerable and honest about themselves. God's grace is an amazing thing and hard to put into words...
I am so happy for you, and our boys love to go shooting with Dad too.
Dad even bought me a new 22 so I can shoot gophers...I would never have imagined I would be doing that 10 years ago. :)
I would say that GOD has got you where he has wanted you.
Beautiful and inspirational post.
God bless.
I'm go happy for you and your family. It sounds wonderful that you are all back together and things are going good. God is good. Thank you for sharing a piece of your world, It helps to know I'm not the only one who sturggles.
Your gratitude comes shining through. I'm so glad you are able to openly share your challenges and faith. m-b
We are sorry that recent months have been so hard on you but the future makes it all so worth while. we`re thankful the little boys have a good mom and lineman has a faithful wife love you cbinu
I'm glad you now have your helpmete around more, so you can be the "family" that you desire and need to be. I have to say I did admire you when you were in Cheyenne. You did well to just keep going. You are a great Mom. Linda
XXXX's to you all!! I always remind myself in hard times, to not ask for LESS of a struggle, but MORE strength to bear the struggle. I am so happy for your little family...truly happy.
Thanks for will be awesome to be a "family" again! Keep encouraged!
I agree 100% with Mimi, God never gives us more than we can handle, He may test us but we just have to rely on Him! I am so glad that things are getting easier for you and you are now close to family!
This was really a touching post and thank you for sharing it with all of us!
Carin I am so glad things are going better for you. You are such a strong woman and I look up to you.
These last three weeks I've asked God why He took two of my young friends, but I know He has his reasons. I would guess He needed an angel with Tate and a jokester with Matt. He sure works in strange ways, but I know He's with both of Tate and Matt's families giving them strength to get through this horrible time in their lives.
Peace be with you.
WOW! Deep thoughts!
Couldn't have said it better myself though. Glad to have YOU here with me and the boys are just a bonus-- a big bonus---
So glad things are more complete now... you've waited so long for it.(all of you)
I'm glad things are getting better for you. I pray each day is better than before.
I have been checking out and enjoying your blog since a friend sent me the link for getting moms back in pictures.
You have a beautiful family, such a way words and breathtaking photography! I am glad that things are looking up for you and your family.
Well said Carin. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. It makes me realize how lucky I truly am. I can't wait to meet you when we come East. Good Days to you and your sweet family!
It's really great the you have persevered and been made whole as a family again. While it's true God will never give you more than you can handle, it is also true that He will be exulted in your weakness. It was and is your dependance on Him that got you through this season of your life. The key is remembering that it's never about you and ALWAYS about God.
Dependance on God will bring something the world just doesn't understand: joy in the face of adversity - even when you are NOT happy about the curcumstances in which you find yourself.
It's really trite, but we need to let go and let God, have Jesus take the wheel and other spiritual sound bites...
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