I was getting pretty worried about having a picture for this week. That was until I downloaded my camera and found about 25 pictures of me. We had gone to the park and I got out to hang with the kids. Lineman stayed in the truck because he was feeling pretty sick. Thankfully he wasn't so sick that he couldn't take a few pictures. And I really appreciated it.

52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. We are always the ones behind the camera, this is YOUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. We are glad you are joining this challenge. More importantly your family will really enjoy having you in the picture. Thanks for playing along! Oh, you can just jump in now with 1 of 52, you're not getting off that easy! Now go take a picture!**************************************
Please add yourself each week to the Mr. Linky so we can all visit your page too. THANKS!
Please add yourself each week to the Mr. Linky so we can all visit your page too. THANKS!
Also, please do not link up if you are not providing a picture with YOU in it. Thank you.
I love your pictures! Looks like you all had an awesome time, sorry hubby was sick! I hope he is feeling better! :)
How nice that your husband took pictures!!
You are such an active/hands on mom!!!
How sweet of him and what a nice surprise! Love the park pics, its been so wet here. I hope all the rain stops soon so we can get back to our parks!
I just read your comment to me and wanted to thank you for such kind words and for praying for my family. It means a lot to know our sacrifices are appreciated.
Those are such cute pictures...we took ours at the park this week too.
Very cute pictures! You can tell how much fun you guys were having! I love going down the slide with the little ones!
I love going to the park with the kids. Looks like fun!
I love your smile in the last one. I'm sure Little Man is smiling too.
You sure have a sweet hubby.
Great pictures, looks like a fun time at the park!
I love it when Chris takes time to take a picture of me with the boys.:) I am proud of your hubby! It looks like you guys are adjusting well to your new settings. My kids love the slide at the park too.
Those are really cute!! What a nice surprise!!
Weeee....What fun sliding with the little man! Good for Lineman to take those shots. m-b
How good of your husband to take these great pics. Love all the action!
Love it! Look at how much fun you two are having.
Can you say "Weeeeeeeeeee" If we ever dry out over here we will have to head to the park for some pictures...fun times!
fun fun!! As usual. ;) This moving thing is lookin' good on you. ;)
Great pictures! We have lots of pictures from that park too!
Have you been getting lots of snow and cold there? Dad (Larry) says all the seed is in the ground now so that's good. The moisture is good for the farmers. Hope you have a great day today Carin!
Lineman, cameraman. What's the difference
Great action photos!
So cute...that was a nice little present you husband left you!
This looks like so much fun! You seem to have a knack for getting good action shots.
These are so fun!
It's really fun to see your life in photos. You seem like a bunch of cool cowboys (and cowgirl). I love the life, though I don't know much more than the smell and horses.
These are so fun, Carin. Ah... the memories...
Now that's a fun picture! I need to get more creative with mine. running out of mug shot poses :) Thanks again for hosting this fun mr. linky!
Fun pics! I'm a bit late this week but made it!
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