First off, sorry for not making the rounds lately. Sometimes I can get a bit overwhelmed here and need to find something I can take a temporary break from. Hope you understand.
So, technology. Is it good? Is it bad? A little of both?
I have found one benefit for our family. With Lineman working at a substation or line he can be gone for stretches of time. Phones are great and believe you me, he and I talk about a hundred times a day… not much of an exaggeration there, trust me. The kids talk to him here and there, but now we have this……. Skype! The boys, all of them, get a kick out of it. They get on there and start
making armpit noises, burps, silly faces chatting away about their day.
Then they show art work, talk about sports, or talk about nothing.
Then as shower time comes each boy gets one on one time with dad. Little Man usually drives his trucks over the keyboard and loses the connection points to different body parts or tells what different animals say.
I don’t usually Skype with Lineman that much, seeing as how we talk a hundred times a day.
Oh, gotta run! My phone is ringing, guess who’s calling?!
That is so cute my friend. I really need to try that out for my in laws.
That is so great.
Lil man is so cute with his car.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes technology is great. Especially in your case!!! I love the pic of the middle son showing his art work.
Technology is both good and bad for us. Good when I work and for communication. Bad for me when hubby and the kids plays much. They take too much time! LOL ^_^
That is awesome! I have a friend who uses Skype to talk to her family in Venezuela.
That is just soo sweet and precious!
What a great thing especially for boys and their daddy. We use ours to chat with our Godson, it is great!
Skype is seriously the best...especially for you all...glad you are enjoying it and that your kids get a chance to see and talk to their daddy more often!
Wonderful!! I have skype too, & talk to Laura in Finland that way. I don't have a webcam tho. Should do that, she (Laura) would love that! So would my other kids.
I concur!! Skype rocks! well, it rocks up until little man runs his truck over the keyboard or four people all try to talk over each other and I am looking at an empty chair---you know, listening to the voices in my head and can't really make out any of them!!! :)
that's neat! i've wondered about skype here for us. our new laptops have the webcam thingy on them, i'm guessing skype is what makes it work? i'll have to look into it :O).
That touchs my heart to see that the boys get to see and talk to Dad even when he is not home.
we had skype a few years ago when it first came out. My now 4 year old broke the phone to it somehow... crazy.
Great deal! Like linemans "thought" looking at an empty chair ~ LOL I can picture that happening here too. LOL
when my hubby was gone 'OTR' for weeks at a calls were plenty and often. We haven't tried skype yet.. but it looks like a GREAT way to stay connected!
I'm happy your boys have this way to connect with their dad. I can just imagine their conversations. :) I've never Skyped... it would be interesting to try it sometime.
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