I realized after reading many of your posts about the great things of summer that I had skimmed over several things or left them out entirely.
Case in point: Turtles
I was driving in NE Montana when I spotted something in the road. A turtle, a soon to be a squished turtle, so I stopped and l threw him in the back of the suburban. Much to my cheering kids delight!
We picked up a rubbermaid container, filled it with a few things for the turtle and the boys were happy.
Then two days later I found yet another turtle crossing the road. I saw it the same time as a Border Patrol agent did, but I beat him to the turtle. He said how nice I was to stop to get the turtle safely to the other side of the road. Ha! I said, “well, actually.. um, er… if it’s okay, I’ll just put him in the back of the suburban and take him home, er, if that’s okay”. He said he didn’t think it was a problem. So we had TWO turtles.

They are Painted turtles. And let me tell you these guys can move pretty quick!
I told the boys it would be better if we let the turtles go. They thought about it and agreed. We took them to one of our local fishing holes where we had seen turtles before.
Hey guys, have a great life. Tell us when the fish are biting!
Oh, hey wait!!!! We changed our minds, come back! You can still go but we can’t watch you swim off if you are in the reeds.
So they picked them off and decided to let them go by the dock.

Let me tell you what…. when these guys hit the water…..
They could taste freedom and they were out of there! Talk about fast swimmers. They were at home and happy.
So I guess we’ll never know why the turtle crossed the road, were just glad they did.