Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dam Spillway

June 169 copyWEB

It’s getting pretty high too. Sure hoping we get to see them open those gates there and watch the water head down the spillway. I saw a friend here one day and she was reminiscing about her and other friends jumping in there as high school kids.

June 163 copyWEB

And now my punks run around here…. the same place that Lineman’s Grandfather worked on the dam in the 1930’s. The same place dinosaurs set foot. Buffalo roamed. Warriors fought. History, it’s an amazing thing.


GIOVANNI said...

is shoot me open for men bloggers?

Anonymous said...

Very cool!!!!

Lauren Wayne said...

So gorgeous! I didn't realize how huge it was till I saw the scale comparison in the second shot.

I just want to say, at first I thought you were cursing the spillway. :) I wasn't sure what it had done wrong.