I had my camera at my side when all of the sudden I heard a plane. A plane getting closer…
A plane VERY close!
I was in shock as all of the sudden he came closer and closer to this historic building. And then all mayhem broke loose! The firefighters arrived with their truck and worked as quickly as they could to save our little building that has an immense amount of history to go with it.

Then the police in droves showed up followed by 7 ambulances to help the injured that were inside the building. They worked fast and efficiently but we all worried how the fire would effect the structure.
There was no mistaking they were working hard to do what needed to be done.

The firefighters were so brave and in control of the situation. There were about 10 to 12 people in the building and they were able to get each and every one out.
One of those I watched walk out nearly unassisted so that was a good sign.
Help continued to arrive.
The ambulances made their way around the busy and chaotic scene as if they could do it in their sleep.
And the firefighters I am happy to say DID get the fire out. There was one main truck , one hose on a hydrant, another small fire truck and later another big pumper truck arrived. The smoke was thick at times. There was very visible and concerning damage to the structure however. But I do think that eventually the structure will be usable again one day.

Especially since the structure was a large dumpster that was purposefully lit on fire to simulate the crash of the plane into the building. And that plane, yes he got WAY too close for comfort in my eyes! The injured? They are all part of the acting troop at the theatre, I hear they will make a full recovery *wink*