Thursday, February 28, 2008
Doctor, Doctor Give Me the News......
Last night I applied the first application of steroids, and phew, this morning Bode looks a little better! His chest and stomach look greatly improved and there is some slight improvement on his face.
I still will not post any pictures of him. Perhaps when (yes, I am optimistic) he is doing better I will post before and after pictures.
Yeah, we are on the road to recovery!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Bowling for my Birthday
Fun in Colorado Springs
This was on our walk right by the Briggs' house. They were playing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes when I took this picture. It was a beautiful day out with the weather well near 50. With the little babies in the stroller and the older kids running in front it was a blast!
Stopping to catch their breath but more importantly......soak up the sun!
We drove to the Garden of the Gods to go for a walk. Yikes! Was it ever busy. We had a hard time finding a parking space and when we finally did there weren't any paved trails near the parking area we found. Of course that is what we all would have preferred if it were not for the fact that we only had our regular strollers. So, Suzanne took Natalie, Bridger and Colter for a short hike. They had fun but let's just say that Suzanne got a peek into her future with a son now in the family!!!! Hey, when nature calls.............. a boy's got to do what a boy's got to do.
I had never been into an REI so we stopped there to take a look around. What a neat place! Bridger and Natalie did a little rock climbing on the wall there. Way to go kids!
The two newest arrivals! Keagan was born on November 9th and Bode was born on November 29th. They both measure exactly the same at birth at 7lbs 13 oz! Colter and Natalie are also very close in age so this is a real neat experience to be sharing with Suzanne.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
PROJECT: Aveeno Baby
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Flyin' In The Line
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Hangin' With Dad
Friday, February 1, 2008
A Look Back
I love how Russ is looking at Bode. It just doesn't matter how tough a man is, a child always brings out the tender side.

A little love for my newest son.