This last weekend my oldest son was competing at the Big Sky State Games in Billings. I thought the Games were solely for Montana residents but I guess not. There were hockey teams from North Dakota and Wyoming there too. We had a 300 mile trip to get there so I got the kids out from school and we headed down early.
Of ALL the teams playing, our team was the only one that hasn’t had any ice. Our ice came off nearly 2 months ago. The boys had all of about 4 or 5 minutes to get used to the ice before Face Off. If you followed me during hockey season you’ll remember my son refuses to wear matching socks for hockey, so that’s him on the right. Goof ball.
I can’t even begin to tell you how nerve wracking these games are. The intensity is amazing! I didn’t know how much more I could take. And I really don’t know how much longer my voice was going to keep up with all the cheering. After the first day of games I went and bought air horns. Waa hooo, now that was fun!

In between the games our team would hang out and watch the other games going on, or watch the Zamboni, or just be kids and have some fun.

Some of the fun that was captured on camera, I probably won’t show you…. but I’ll show my son and his friends at their high school graduation!

Good grief! Just looking at these pictures makes my heart rate go up again. The games were played half ice 3 on 3 with a goalie, so the speed of the game was fast. There were no breaks for line changes so the boys learned to get off and on the ice quickly.
More State Games hockey to come…